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Lee Joon-seok, who predicted ‘Han Dong-hoon’, “120 seats if I become non-party chairman”.


test 테스트

Former leader of the People’s Power party, Lee Jun-seok, has expressed confidence that he can secure 110 to 120 seats if he becomes the emergency planning committee chairman. However, his statement has been criticized as an exaggeration by politicians. According to Lee, during the 17th general election in 2004, the party was in a similar crisis and managed to secure 121 seats. However, he acknowledges that the current situation is not favorable and believes that even achieving 110 to 120 seats would be difficult.In an interview with CBS’s “Park Jae-hong’s Showdown” on the evening of the 16th, Lee said, “If I were to take on such a role (as the committee chairman), I am confident that I can secure 110 to 120 seats.” He also mentioned the previous election where the party faced impeachment and managed to secure 121 seats. Lee questioned whether he would receive the same praise and support from the media if he achieves 110 to 120 seats in the current situation.Lee previously made a similar claim during an interview with BBS’s “Jeon Young-shin’s Morning Journal,” where he argued that the ongoing pressure on party members by the current leadership is a strategy to pave the way for the appointment of a committee chairman.However, this argument is met with skepticism from politicians, with the exception of former National Intelligence Service Director Park Ji-won. Yun Sang-hyun, a member of the People’s Power party, dismissed Lee’s claims as “exaggerated” and stated that the focus should not be on who becomes the committee chairman.As Lee prepares for the establishment of a new party called “New Choice,” he has been engaging with former lawmaker Kim Tae-sub, who is leading the “Third Zone” party. Kim Jong-in, former emergency planning committee chairman of the People’s Power party, facilitated the meeting between the two. Kim emphasized the need for solidarity, stating that both parties should present solutions to the current issues facing the country and that there should be no significant differences between them.


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