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Special Operations Forces (SOF) Truths.


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The SOF Truths are the five foundational principles that have underpinned all special operations since the establishment of USSOCOM. These principles provide guidelines for the acquisition, training, deployment, and sustained support of all special forces units.

1. People are more important than hardware.

It’s not the equipment, but the people that make the crucial difference. The right person, highly trained and functioning as a team, can accomplish the mission with the equipment available. The world’s best equipment can’t compensate for a lack of the right people.

2. Quality is better than quantity.

A small number of personnel, carefully selected, well trained, and well led, are preferable to larger forces, including some that may not be competent.

3. Special operations forces cannot be mass-produced.

It takes years of training to develop the level of expertise required for a special operations team to complete specialized, high-difficulty missions. Intensive training is required at both the special operations school and within the unit to integrate skilled and mature personnel into a competent force. Cutting corners in these procedures only serves to degrade operational capability.

4. Competent special operations forces cannot be created after emergencies occur.

It takes time to create a competent force with operational capabilities. To deploy competent special operations forces in a short time frame, it is necessary to have highly trained and continuously available special operations forces during peacetime.

5. Most special operations require non-SOF assistance.

Conducting special operations with, alongside, or through foreign military organizations, indigenous populations, and surrogate forces is a critical capability for achieving U.S. national interests.

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