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Lee Tann-hee “I will run for office in difficult areas…satellite parties must be prevented”.


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이탄희 “험지 출마할 것…위성정당 방지해야'
Representative Lee Tan-hee of the Democratic Party. Yonhap News

Representative Lee Tan-hee of the Democratic Party has called for the maintenance of the proportional representation system and the adoption of the anti-satellite party law, while announcing that she will not run for re-election in her constituency, “Yonginjeong” in Gyeonggi Province. Emphasizing that the Democratic Party can engage in politics that relinquish vested interests, she stated that she would be the first to run in a difficult area if it allows for a politics that relinquishes vested interests.

Speaking at a press conference at the National Assembly Communication Office on the 28th, Representative Lee, who belongs to the National Assembly Special Committee on Political Reform, said, “Protecting the proportional representation system and not creating satellite parties will be a great decision for the Democratic Party to relinquish vested interests.” Representative Lee, who joined the Democratic Party as a recruitment personnel ahead of the 21st general election, was strategically nominated in Gyeonggi Province’s Yonginjeong after former Representative Pyo Chang-won declared that he would not run for re-election, and was subsequently elected.

Representative Lee warned, “If we pass the parallel proportional representation system and the dual-party cartel law by joining hands with the People Power Party, denying our identity, our fate in the general election will be as precarious as a lantern in front of the wind.” He then added, “I ask Governor Lee Jae-myung and the party leadership, who promised national unity and political change, to lead the right decision at tomorrow’s (29th) parliamentary meeting,” and said, “For the party’s decision, I will go wherever the party tells me to go. I will even go to difficult areas where our party struggles.”


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