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Kim Ki-hyeon “Mega-cities to increase competitiveness of the metropolitan area”.


test 테스트

Kim Ki-hyun, the leader of the People Power Party, attended a seminar held by the New City Project Special Committee at the People Power Party headquarters in Yeouido, Seoul on the 28th and delivered a congratulatory speech. Regarding the ongoing plan to incorporate Kimpo City into Seoul, Kim emphasized that it would “enhance the efficiency and international competitiveness of the metropolitan area through its reorganization.” (source:




Kim Ki-hyun, the leader of the People Power Party, attended a seminar held by the New City Project Special Committee at the People Power Party headquarters in Yeouido, Seoul on the 28th and delivered a congratulatory speech. Regarding the ongoing plan to incorporate Kimpo City into Seoul, Kim emphasized that it would “enhance the efficiency and international competitiveness of the metropolitan area through its reorganization.” (source:





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