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[Roundtable] The Language of Politicians.


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Recent Political Controversy Surrounding Inappropriate Language Use

In recent weeks, there has been a growing controversy surrounding the use of inappropriate language in the political sphere in South Korea. This issue came to the forefront when former Democratic Party member Cho Kang-wook made derogatory remarks about the government of President Yoon Seok-yeol during an event in Gwangju on the 19th of this month. Cho referred to the Yoon administration as the “animal kingdom” and made a sexist comment by saying, “The installation is female.” These remarks drew widespread criticism and led to the Democratic Party imposing a six-month suspension of Cho’s party membership. In response, Democratic Party leader Lee Jae-myung warned that inappropriate behavior would be dealt with strictly, but Cho himself showed no remorse and instead posted a mocking message on his Facebook account, saying, “This is democracy, stupid!” It is clear that Cho’s remarks are not only damaging to democracy but also disrespectful and harmful to women.

The language used by politicians should be respectful and honest. Politicians should not incite hatred by using extreme expressions to cater to a small group of fervent supporters. Failing to reflect on and apologize for using inappropriate language not only deepens the public’s distrust of politics but also discourages citizens from participating in the political process.

The language used by politicians reflects the consciousness and level of our society. Philosopher Martin Heidegger once said, “Language is the house of being,” emphasizing the importance of language. Given the significant impact that politicians’ language has on our society, it is crucial for them to exercise caution and choose their words wisely.

If politicians lack the dignity to realize the wrongfulness of using disrespectful and embarrassing language towards others, then they have no reason to exist. Politicians who promote conflict and hatred through their language only contribute to the deterioration of our society.

On the 23rd, the “Righteous Political Language Award Ceremony” was held in the National Assembly. This event aimed to recognize politicians who use dignified language through analyzing their official statements in the National Assembly. In a political landscape where offensive and extreme language has become rampant, politicians who speak with integrity and receive awards stand out. The reason for this shift is that politicians have focused solely on appealing to their extreme support base and engaging in provocative language, resulting in a dull political arena. As a result, the public has grown to despise and turn away from politics.

It is time for a change. Regardless of differing political views, politicians must strive to create a space for healthy dialogue, upholding dignity and compromising. The saying “Without trust, there is no standing” holds true in politics. Both the ruling and opposition parties must make concerted efforts to ensure that the language used by politicians does not cross the line and regain the trust of the public through dignified conversations.


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