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Why we should pay attention to GP now.


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Why We Should Pay Attention to GP Now

9‧19 Military Agreement, GP, Rearmament

16th Generation Unicorn Kim Kyu-rin


Do You Know About GP?

What is GP?

: Term derived from Guard Post

Frontline surveillance outpost within the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)

Located between the Southern Limit Line and the MDL

*MDL: Military Demarcation Line

Photo Source: YTN


North Korea, Rearmament of GP

9‧19 Military Agreement and GP

9‧19 South-North Military Agreement (2018)

North Korea’s Reconnaissance Satellite Launch (2023.11.21.)

South Korean Government’s Response to Suspend the Effectiveness of 9‧19 Military Agreement (Article 1, Paragraph 3) (2023.11.22.)

North Korea’s Declaration of De Facto Abolition of 9‧19 Military Agreement (2023.11.23.)

North Korea’s GP Rearmament (2023.11.24.)

#NorthKorea Reconnaissance Satellite Launch #Manrikyeong-1

Photo Source: Daily Korea


What is the 9‧19 South-North Military Agreement?

North Korea’s Reconnaissance Satellite Launch and Abolition of the Military Agreement

On September 19, 2018, the Moon Jae-in administration adopted the 9‧19 military agreement at the Pyongyang summit.

Since then, in accordance with the military agreement, the South Korean military has been postponing and suspending the front-line defense system (fortified outposts and small outposts, US-ROK joint reconnaissance assets, psychological warfare against North Korea, etc.).

However, on November 21, 2023, despite the UN Security Council’s sanctions, North Korea launched the Manrikyeong 1 reconnaissance satellite and currently, the South Korean government has suspended the effectiveness of some provisions of the 9‧19 South-North Military Agreement, and North Korea has declared that it will de facto abolish the military agreement.

Photo Source: BBC


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  • Reviewing the North Korean Unification Strategy and the Future of a Unified Korea.
  • North Korea, a threat too covered for passive response.
  • North Korea and Russia Combine Vs South Korea's Underwater Warfare Technology.
  • The 2310th issue of Military Review is now available!

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