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Biden asks Netanyahu to temporarily halt ceasefire for humanitarian reasons


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ORIGINAL LINK : https://www.etoday.co.kr/news/view/2299740

Discussions on violence in the West Bank, civilian protection, and humanitarian aid to Gaza

President Joe Biden of the United States is speaking in Northfield, Minnesota, on the 1st (local time). Northfield (USA)/AP Yonhap News

President Joe Biden of the United States has called for a temporary ceasefire in Israel for humanitarian purposes.

According to Bloomberg News on the 6th (local time), the White House announced that President Biden and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had discussed the possibility of a tactical pause in the battle during a phone consultation.

The purpose of the tactical ceasefire includes △safe evacuation of civilians in the combat zone △delivery of necessary support materials to civilians △release of hostages, among others.

The U.S. government has long maintained a negative view of the immediate ceasefire demanded by Arab countries, but it has maintained the need for a temporary ceasefire for humanitarian purposes. It also distinguished from a ceasefire, which means a halt to fighting throughout Gaza, arguing that the duration and target areas of the cessation of attacks should be limited.

In the call, President Biden also discussed the need to hold accountable for acts of violence by Israeli settlers in the West Bank. He reiterated his unwavering support for Israel, emphasizing the need to minimize civilian casualties during military operations.

In addition, the two leaders also discussed △expanding humanitarian aid to Gaza △improving inspection and search capabilities for vehicles carrying humanitarian aid △efforts to release hostages detained by Hamas.





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