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From nuclear submarines and nuclear bombers to ICBMs… US and South Korea show off ‘nuclear triad’ extended deterrence capabilities nine times this year


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ORIGINAL LINK : https://www.sedaily.com/NewsView/29X56N2O90

핵잠·핵폭격기에 ICBM까지… 한미, 올해 9차례 ‘핵 3축’ 확장억제 능력 과시
On July 17, U.S. Air Force B-52H strategic bombers and South Korean F-35A fighter jets were conducting a joint aerial exercise over the Korean Peninsula. Photo provided by the Air Force

It has been revealed that South Korean and U.S. defense authorities have issued warnings to North Korea nine times this year by showcasing the U.S.’s nuclear extended deterrence capabilities. The so-called ‘nuclear triad’ of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs), strategic nuclear submarines (SSBNs), and strategic bombers were frequently deployed, demonstrating overwhelming nuclear capabilities against North Korea, which is committed to the advancement of nuclear weapons and missiles.

According to the ‘Extended Deterrence Data’ distributed by the Ministry of National Defense on the 7th, ahead of next week’s South Korea-U.S. Security Consultative Meeting (SCM), the B-52H strategic bomber played the most prominent role in implementing the regular visibility enhancement of U.S. strategic assets agreed upon by the leaders of South Korea and the U.S. in the ‘Washington Declaration’ in April this year.

The B-52H, capable of carrying nuclear weapons, began training with South Korean F-15K and KF-16 fighter jets over the West Sea on March 6 and was deployed to the Korean Peninsula five times until July for joint training with our Air Force.

It is noteworthy that whenever North Korea test-fired an ICBM or publicly displayed a strategic nuclear warhead, it immediately conducted training, showing the willingness of South Korea and the U.S. to respond.

A strategic nuclear submarine, considered the most threatening nuclear strategic asset among the ‘nuclear triad’ due to its high level of secrecy, also docked in Korea for the first time in 42 years. The SSBN Kentucky arrived at the Busan Operational Base in July, timed with the inaugural meeting of the Nuclear Consultation Group (NCG), a new extended deterrence consultative body between South Korea and the U.S. The Kentucky can carry up to 24 Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missiles (SLBMs) with a range of 8,078 miles.

Prior to this, the South Korean and U.S. defense departments visited the strategic nuclear submarine base in Kings Bay, Georgia, for the first time in February during the Extended Deterrence Means Operation Exercise (DSC TTX) held in the U.S. In addition, Huh Tae-geun, head of the Ministry of National Defense’s Defense Policy Office, visited Vandenberg Air Force Base in California on the 31st of last month to observe the U.S.’s ICBM ‘Minuteman-3’ test launch. This is the first time in seven years since 2016 that a Korean delegation has observed.

Although not classified as U.S. strategic assets, the nuclear-powered aircraft carriers Nimitz (CVN-68) and Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) docked in Korea in March and October, respectively. The nuclear-powered cruise missile submarine (SSGN) Michigan, capable of carrying Tomahawk cruise missiles, also arrived in Busan in June.

The B-1B strategic bomber, also known as the ‘Swan of Death’, has been deployed five times this year. The U.S. F-22 and F-35, currently considered the world’s most powerful fighter jets, each made one flight over the Korean Peninsula.

The Ministry of National Defense emphasized, “The promise of extended deterrence is a commitment to utilize all of the U.S.’s capabilities, including nuclear and conventional capabilities, for the defense of the Republic of Korea. The stationing of U.S. forces in Korea and the deployment of U.S. strategic assets are representative symbols of extended deterrence.”





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