Local government administrative network paralyzed…”Civil affairs such as issuing documents are not possible”.
asiae 조회수
Local government agencies across the country are experiencing delays in administrative work due to errors in the administrative computer network they use.
According to the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, errors occurred in the administrative computer network used by officials in cities and counties nationwide this morning. As a result, there have been delays in processing administrative welfare center complaints, such as issuing resident registration certificates, causing congestion. In addition, local government officials are unable to carry out their duties.
Furthermore, some services of the government’s electronic service application, Government 24, are also experiencing difficulties in operation.
The Ministry of the Interior and Safety explained that they are currently investigating the cause of the network error and assessing the extent of the damage.
A Seoul city official stated, “The administrative network has not been functioning since this morning,” and added, “We have not yet received any plans for restoration or recovery.”
Reporter Kihoyeyo Seong kiho@asiae.co.kr
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