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BLACKPINK Rose next to Kim Gun-hee, “Mental health is important” to APEC leaders’ wives.


test 테스트

BLACKPINK’s Rosé has met with the spouses of leaders attending the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit.

Photo=AP/Yonhap News

According to the White House, Jill Biden, the wife of U.S. President Joe Biden, hosted a mental health event for the spouses of APEC summit participants at Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino, California on November 17 (local time), as reported by Yonhap News.

BLACKPINK’s Rosé attended this event, organized to raise awareness and solicit attention to the seriousness of mental health issues.

Jill Biden introduced Rosé as a “global superstar who uses her status as a force for good in the world.”

She continued, “She has actively raised her voice to address mental health issues and bravely shared her story in the hope of helping others.”

She added, “I’m grateful that Rosé accepted my invitation to join us today, and I also thank Mrs. Kim Geon-hee for her support of my efforts.”

Photo=AFP/Yonhap News

According to the Associated Press, Rosé confessed at the event that she feels vulnerable when many people show interest in her on social media, particularly when they criticize her.

Rosé said, “I feel like whatever I do is never enough,” and “No matter how hard I try, there will always be someone who has their own opinion or enjoys leading the narrative about me.”

She stressed the importance of discussing such issues, no matter how difficult, saying, “Just as we eat for physical health and exercise, mental health must be maintained with as much or more attention as physical health.”





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